
Flickerfest - Best of Melbourne Screening

My film Crooked is showing in Melbourne this week, as part of Flickerfest's 'Best of Melbourne' Screening.
It's on at 7pm this Thursday the 26th, at the Kino Dendy cinemas on Collins Street.
Check out the program.


Legendary - For Illustration Friday

Here's a quick watercolour of Bob. With a name like Bob how could you not be destined for greatness?


Illustrator Profile: Jon Klassen

Every so often I see an artist that makes me want to throw down my pencil, throw out my sketchbooks, and pursue a career in accounting.
Mrs Black, my uninspiring year 9 maths teacher made sure that would never happen. Thanks a lot Mrs Black!

Melodrama aside, the work of Jon Klassen is rocking my socks at the moment.
And rather than making me want to commit career suicide, it's making me want to plaster his beautiful works all over my walls.
He was an artist on the soon-to-be-released stop-motion animated feature, Coraline, where he worked on visual development of props and sets. Check out the development drawings on his website - interesting!

He also blogs, and sells his prints at Nucleus Gallery, just incase you all want to buy me a print, wink wink!


bear for a baby

One of my friends just had a baby, so I decided to make her a little painting to hang in her nursery.
I’d been doing digital stuff for so long, I forgot how much fun it is to actually paint. With a real paintbrush! Paint! And paper!

I don’t really have a space set up for painting, with my desk space engulfed by the all powerful iMac. So here’s my messy set up on the kitchen table.
Yes, that is an ice-cube tray that has rediscovered life as a palette.
I soon found out that round tables were not made for painting, as I kept on nearly knocking the paint off the edge of the table.
First sketched, then painted a few of the teddy’s little limbs with gouache. This was the first time I’d used gouache in years, and I like it! It’s dries so clean and flat.
Well, I painted the rest so quickly, I didn’t stop to take another pic. And here he is framed and ready to go.

Hope you like it little Luka!