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Paper Crave! Such a beautiful blog, filled with delicious paper goods. Blush!
I had a lovely time at Yarraville Market last weekend, hanging out with ladies and chaps of much craftiness. It was quite funny sitting at my stall beneath two giant Australian flags, and the masonic symbol - anyone know what it means? it looks like a compass. Freemasons must be very good at drawing neat circles.
I'm slowly getting the idea of this market thing. Boy, it's hard for an illustrator used to being a little hermit to get out there and talk to real live people! But it's great too - I'm getting some immediate feedback, and seeing what people like.
My new Fat Batman prints (coming soon to the shop) made all the little boys that walked past erupt into cries of "mum! mum! it's batman!".
The grown men did pretty much the same thing, minus their mums. Some things must never change.